I took a walk on the farm today and I thought I would share some photos. We have a new field of Marionberries. They won't be ready to harvest until next summer, but the plants are starting to poke through the ground.
And in the same area, is our new field of strawberries. I also spied some turning RED.
We hope to open the first full week of June, around the 7th or 8th of June. Check back to make sure before driving out to the farm.
And I walked through our blueberries too. They are in full bloom and the honey bees were very busy. Our hoop house is planted with over 200 tomato plants; most are heirloom but we also have Romas, Beef Steak and Early Girl. Today was a beautiful day on the farm, despite the rain and wind.
We are looking forward to seeing both familiar and new faces in the coming months.